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Let your food be medicine and your medicine be food.
~Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine



The Story

What It Is, and
What It's Not

Medical Treatments



The Immune System
and Cancer

Foods & Supplements



Key Concepts

Forbidden Foods

The Eating Regimen


The Story behind the Cancer-Fighting Diet

Despite the billions of dollars poured into public and private cancer research each year throughout the world, the number of new cancer cases continues to increase each year. In developed countries, cancer is expected to surpass cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death by 2010. It is already the leading cause of death for some minority groups in the United States.

Most conventional cancer treatments add only months to life, and for the more successful treatments, "complete remissions" (but rarely cures) can be expected for a "5-year survival increment." The trouble with most treatments, particularly chemotherapy and radiation therapy, is their damaging side effects. It is becoming increasingly evident, especially with childhood cancers, that conventional treatments increase the risk of developing other cancers at a later age, often by as much as 2 to 8 times.

Numerous experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated beyond a doubt that the immune system can be mobilized to combat cancer. Several approaches to "immunotherapy" are being studied (anti-tumor vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, etc.), but all have limited success. 

The cancer-fighting diet is a safe, effective, and inexpensive method of treating and curing cancer by stimulating the immune system. Why, didn't someone think of it before? The answer is that it took a unique scientist--an immunologist with extensive knowledge about cancer--to "put two and two together."

[Add material about the fallacy of  "spontaneous remission." Also add explanation of why clinical trials are not likely.]

Dr. Sandra Miller has been studying the the immune system for more than 35 years. In her early research on combating cancer by enhancing the immune system, she focused on a family of molecules called cytokines. Cytokines, which include interferons and interleukins, are chemical messengers produced by the cells and organs of our own immune system. They interact with target cells in the immune system to produce biochemical reactions that stimulate or inhibit various activities.

Some cytokines can stimulate the immune system to fight cancer, but large doses are needed to fight cancer effectively, and these high doses cause side effects such as high fevers and rupturing of tiny blood vessels. Although cytokines are manufactured in biotechnology laboratories, they too expensive for widespread use, and the manufactured ones don't always work as well own own "home-grown" varieties. 

In the late 1970's, Sandra began to pay increasing attention to newly discovered cells in the immune system called natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are one of the oldest and most primitive types of immune system cells. They are found in all animals with backbones, including reptiles, amphibians, and fish, and even insects have immune systems with NK-like activity. NK cells have a starring role in the story of the cancer-fighting diet, because they are the body's first line of defense against all foreign invaders, and they are the primary defender against cancer.  

[Continue story here.]

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is intended to provide information about enhancing the immune system with plant products to fight cancer. See additional information.